Today I got to read Psalm 13 and it was such a blessed reminder about the deceitfulness of feelings. Now, feelings aren't a bad thing in themselves. In fact, I would argue they are a gift from the Lord. However, they can easily become the deathtraps to worship.
We've all been there. There are those times where we just don't "feel" like worshiping God for whatever lame reason we can think of. But reading Psalm 13 helped me to remember that just because we don't feel like worshiping God, just because we might not feel like He's there, that does not take away the fact that our God deserves to be worshiped by all.
The psalmist begins the psalm in despair. He's crying out to the Lord, asking Him where He is, how long He will forget him. The psalmist is in danger. The enemy is after him. Obviously, the psalmist is in a situation where he might not feel God's presence. But he doesn't stop there. He ends by saying "But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me." Wow. That is some uplifting truth. We can't always trust our feelings, but we can always trust our loving, sovereign and good God.
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